Guides of the School
Daniel Mitel
Agathi Christ
Training the Trainers
Ashley Lugg
I am honoured, privileged and excited to be a teacher in the School Of The Heart. I have been a student of consciousness since my awakening in 1999. I have trained in many modalities of healing over the past twenty years and feel blessed to have rediscovered Heart Imagery which I have been practicing for the past five years.
Chris Cheung
Chris worked in senior leadership corporate roles for over 12 years. When he broke his arm in 2008, coming out of surgery, he chose to make the most of what he had been gifted. He began searching for mystical teachings and became intimate with the teachings practices of many, including Drunvalo, Daniel Mitel, Nickie Thetsy.
Edda Suarez
Para todo el mundo de habla hispana: Estoy consciente que este viaje hacia uno mismo es algo muy personal y que necesita de la presencia de miles de almas antes de descubrir y retomar nuestro propio camino interior. Estoy eternamente agradecida por mi experiencia de vida, por habernos otorgado la oportunidad de aprender mutuamente de cada uno.
Eloise Bennett
Eloise Bennett is an International Spiritual Teacher, the originator of Seraphim Healing® and Magdalene Healing® and has been teaching transformational courses for over 22 years. Eloise met Daniel and Agathi in 2013 and her journey into the Heart began. After working with the techniques daily her whole life transformed. In May 2021 Eloise was invited to be a Teacher Trainer and is honoured to be offering these teachings.
Hofan Chau
Based in Hong Kong, Hofan was among the first cohort of Heart Imagery teachers trained by Daniel Mitel in 2017. She is currently one of the few in the region qualified to teach all 3 Heart Imagery courses & Kriya Yoga (First Initiation). She typically runs her Heart Imagery courses each as a two day retreat in nature.
Oksana Shcherbachova
В 2013 году Оксана посетила семинар Мастера Даниэля Мител и Агати Крис в Киеве, став студенткой , а затем Учителем в Школе Сердца. Бесценные знания и опыт Образов Сердца, медитации Сердца, Сердечной молитвы помогают и направляют в путешествии к познанию себя, вспоминанию того, кто ты есть на самом деле. Это те инструменты, которые особо актуальны в наше время. Для Оксаны большая честь быть Учителем в Школе Сердца и делиться своим опытом с теми, кому это созвучно и необходимо.
Stephen Moroz
Stephen Moroz has been teaching mindfulness, meditation, English, business, and management for over 10 years. He is currently Senior Consultant, Trainer, and Business Development Director at Wisdom Lab, his own company.
Ada Tserepis
Ada has been studying and practicing different spiritual and healing modalities over the past 20 years. After meeting Daniel and Agathi and incorporating the School of the Heart teachings into her life, an inner transformational journey like no other began. To be able to pay it forward, Ada became certified to teach all Heart Imagery and Journeys into the Heart courses. She loves to share the Heart teachings and conducts Teacher Trainings in both English and Swedish.
Adrian Costantinescu
De-a lungul călătoriei sale prin lume, Adrian caută să aducă în conştiinţa oamenilor modul în care, fiind în armonie cu tiparele invizibile ce stau la baza vieţii, îşi impactează ADN-ul, sănătatea, relaţiile şi prosperitatea.
Antona Tang
Antona Tang is Naturopathic/Holistic therapist, classical music musician and energy balance technology farmer. She is a speaker and trainer in Hong Kong, once in Germany, Taiwan, Greece and Scotland, teaching mandala meditation for 4 years in full moon and crescent time, she believe that into the heart can follow the trajectory of the Universe and become Oneness with the earth. Who also is the founder of BG3 Now !!! Holistic Health House and Omas BG3 Garten in Hong Kong since 2018.
Francisco Muñoz
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