


Test 1 - The School of the Heart

Ashley Lugg

  • Journeys into the Heart: The Inner Path
  • Heart Imagery : Healing and Emotional Clarity

Ashley Lugg




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I am honoured, privileged and excited to be a teacher and a teacher of teachers in the School Of The Heart

I have been a student of consciousness since my awakening in 1999. I have trained in many modalities of healing over the past twenty plus years and feel blessed to have rediscovered Heart Imagery which I have been practicing since 2015.

I studied Drunvalo Melchizedek’s books and followed his works since 2000. I met and trained with Daniel on several ATIH workshops and then also trained and participated in several Jouneys into the heart(JITH) and also in his Heart Imagery workshops.


The Journeys Into The Heart workshop teaches one how to connect with the infinite intelligence of the heart. I teach Angelic Reiki ®, Ascension courses and techniques which helps awaken, align and empower people. The Journeys Into The Heart is like a central hub that supports all. It is a joy to share these techniques with others. It is truly a blessing to witness the transformation in people as they experience these techniques and become self realised and aligned with their authentic self. I love teaching Heart Imagery, I have witnessed in myself and in all those I have worked with a breaking of old emotional loops and patterns. This subtle but powerful technique is One of the main keys of creation and manifestation and truely a real gift to this world.



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