March event

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolore laudantium, totam rem aperia eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore.

Heart Imagery – Healing and Emotional Clarity

Online (via Zoom)

The effect of Heart Imagery (HI) exercises goes beyond logical understanding. Thousands of people all over the world have already experienced the power and energy of Heart Imagery with the many workshops and online teachings of The School of the Heart.


Heart Imagery Healing And Emotional Clarity

Online (via Zoom)

This is calling towards a Universal career. The effect of Heart Imagery exercises goes beyond logical understanding. Change your life and that of the people around you. Thousands of people all over the world have already experienced the power and energy of Heart Imagery with the many workshops and online teachings of The School of the Heart. Join our yearly Live Online Heart Imagery Teacher Training!


Awakening The Illuminated Heart

Online (via Zoom)

The gift that Drunvalo Melchizedek offered to all humanity – Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshop – is considered the most important spiritual workshop that exists on the earth at this moment; it is essentially all the knowledge of creating from the heart, remembering who you really are and ascension process.

In addition to all these important topics there is another important step: the activation of human light body (The Heart Golden Mer-Ka-Ba).

Journeys into the Heart: The Inner Path

Tor Villa, Glastonbury, UK

Learn to enter into the space of your heart. Journeys into the Heart workshop (“The Inner Path”) is based on a series of experiences of Masters and Mystics from all over the world since the inception of the human race.


The Art of Watchfulness

Online (via Zoom)

When you look inside of you what do you see? Can you see the multitude of thoughts and passions? Do you see the depths hidden beneath them?
With The Art of Watchfulness you are invited to connect with the unknown stillness hidden in your heart.
The Art of Watchfulness is a spiritual workshop like no other. Over these 2 days, Daniel and Agathi will share insights into the “Watchful You” through exercises and dialogues. We look forward to seeing you!


Journeys into the Heart: The Inner Path

@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IiIsImFmdGVyIjoiIn19@October 16 - 17, 2021 | Online ZoomLanguage: Español - SpanishIt is time to change your life and that of the people around you. Journeys into the Heart workshop (“The Inner Path”) is based on a series of experiences of Masters and Mystics from all over the world since the inception of the human race. These workshops constitute one of the most important spiritual works in the world that teaches people to enter into the space of the heart.Your Teacher Edda Suárez At a Glance: Journey Into The HeartThe Inner Path October 16 - 17, 2021 10 am (GMT -3 ) Investment: $1,777 USD Location: Online Zoom   Language: Español - Spanish In order to attend the Teacher Training you must have attended the Journey Into The Heart: The Inner Path workshop on a previous occasion. For applications and questions please contact


Heart Imagery: Cleaning the Past and Self-Renewal

Hong Kong , Hong Kong

Thousands of people all over the world have already experienced the power and energy of Heart Imagery with the many workshops and online teachings of The School of the Heart.


The Art of Watchfulness

Online (via Zoom)

When you look inside of you what do you see? Can you see the multitude of thoughts and passions? Do you see the depths hidden beneath them?
With The Art of Watchfulness you are invited to connect with the unknown stillness hidden in your heart.
The Art of Watchfulness is a spiritual workshop like no other. Over these 2 days, Daniel and Agathi will share insights into the “Watchful You” through exercises and dialogues. We look forward to seeing you!


The Art of Watchfulness Egypt

Egypt, Dahab Dahab, Dahab, Egypt

When you look inside of you what do you see? Can you see the multitude of thoughts and passions? Do you see the depths hidden beneath them?
With The Art of Watchfulness you are invited to connect with the unknown stillness hidden in your heart.
The Art of Watchfulness is a spiritual workshop like no other. Over these 2 days, Daniel and Agathi will share insights into the “Watchful You” through exercises and dialogues. We look forward to seeing you!